Festival report click Here

First Coming
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Only a puff away
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Commandos and Grays
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

An apple a day , keeps the worry away
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Second Coming
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Man Aquatic
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Another Circus
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Our savior is here
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Canal's castles in the sky
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas

Behold the pale man
25 x 35 cm
Acrylic on Canvas
Painting exhibition by Maryam Hashemi, St John’s Church,
Sunday 1st Feb – 4th Feb 09
This was a retrospective exhibition including works from 2004 and my recent works from Jan 2009, which I managed to finish just before the festival.
It was so lovely to have my exhibition at St John’s Church, with warm and friendly staff and unique venue. I had a great mix of people viewing the exhibition and received interesting comments one being ‘’God approves of creative souls’’, which I found it very sweet.
My experience in Edinburgh was full of colours and being taken care of by a party of lovely hospitable organisers and their friends made the whole festival even more enjoyable , I also had a chance to meet many great artists which I’m very grateful for that.
For once in my life there has been absolutely nothing for me to worry about ,everything went extremely smooth and on time .Everyone had worked so hard and it was lovely to see their family and friends were also involved in helping and giving support in many ways such as cutting and laminating my labels and covering shifts for the exhibition, it was empowering to receive such warmth and support.
I was staying at Balmore House, owned by a lovely couple which had kindly place all the festival guests in their lovely comfortable rooms. I received such a warm welcome and they had such lovely staff that didn’t really want to leave my sweet room. I recommend this place to everyone who is going to Edinbugh , by reading their guest book I could see everyone were very happy there: www.balmore-holidays.co.uk
On the last day of the exhibition I did a drawing workshop, based on my own drawing techniques. it was the first time that I was doing this workshop and wasn’t quite sure what the outcome might be.I had keen participants and the session was received very well by all. I was very pleased to see that I could deliver what I had in mind and hoping to repeat the session in near future.